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7 Tips to Grow your Own Lashes within a Month

Updated: Apr 30, 2020


Luscious lashes are the dream of many women. However, all are not blessed with beautiful long lashes. If you are one of them those who desire to have dramatic eyelashes, then this blog is for you. You can Grow your own lashes! With just a little effort from your side, you can completely transform your eyelashes and can enhance the beauty of your eyes.

If you are wondering why your eyelashes are on the shorter side or why they are not growing, Dr. Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, FAAD says that your eyelashes could become fragile when you apply products such as mascara or medicated eye drops that dry out the lashes and cause them to break mid-shaft. Also, if you rub your eyes frequently, it can pull them out prematurely.

How to Grow Your Own Lashes


There are a number of DIY (Do It Yourself) hacks that can help you grow your eyelashes. Use the below remedies for a month, and you will definitely see a difference.

Use Olive Oil


Olive oil is a miracle oil. It is good for your hair, skin, and eyelashes. It can improve the strength and length of your eyelashes. It acts as a natural moisturizer and softens your eyelashes. How to apply olive oil to your eyelashes? The simple way to apply olive oil to your eyelashes is to get clean and disposable mascara brushes. Simply dip the brush in olive oil and apply it to your lashes.

Eyelash Growth Serums


There are plenty of eyelash growth serums available in the market. Be sure to check the customer reviews before buying them. A good quality eyelash serum can help you in getting longer lashes. A great serum can show benefits within a month.

Vitamin E Oil


Want long eyelashes? Go for vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is great for lash growth, and people have seen remarkable results by using vitamin E oil. Vitamin oil is available in capsule form as well as in liquid form.

Castor Oil


Castor oil is something that people rave about. It is great for growing out your hair. Castor oil is filled with nutrients that provide nourishment to eyelashes. With the use of castor oil, you will get long and thick eyelashes within a month.



You have probably heard of biotin. If you have a deficiency of certain nutrients, then you will have a problem growing your hair and eyelashes. Take biotin to supplement your eyelash growth. Get to know what your vitamin and mineral deficiencies are and take the right supplement.

Green Tea


Green tea on eyelashes? Yes, why not? Green tea is loaded with antioxidants. Green tea is wildly popular for its amazing results for the skin and overall health of our body. To use green tea on eyelashes, dip a bag of green tea in hot water, after about 5 minutes, take it out and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Apply the cold tea bag on your eyes. It will not only help you to relax but also promote lash growth.

Eat the right diet

What you put into your body is important. Ditch the junk food and eat lots of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. When your body is getting proper nutrients, it will definitely show. You will have radiant skin and lustrous hair.


I am confident that if someone follows the above suggestions, then definitely it will help them to grow your own lashes. All I have experience from my research as well as studies. I hope that it will be beneficial for you guys. Stay Blessed Stay Healthy Stay beautiful.

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